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Advisory Services

Our Investment Advisory & Management Solutions Are...

Entirely Tailored

Working collaboratively with you, we’ll discuss your options and help guide you in determining the right investment strategy for your needs and objectives.

Thoroughly Researched

Your tolerance for risk, your goals, the state of the market, and diverse combinations of securities and investments will all be considered as we strive to identify the optimal options for you. We don’t follow the herd unless we’ve discerned there’s a reason to.

Managed In-House

Herr Investment Group portfolio managers directly identify, monitor, and refine your portfolio positions. We make security selection decisions ourselves. We do not allocate to third-party investment advisers.

Building Your Custom Portfolio

We follow time-proven principles, considering the following as we create your lineup:

  Risk-reward structure

  Global investments

  Attractive securities

  Market direction

  Inflection points

  Macroeconomic trends

A Customized Approach That Focuses on Your Goals

Many of our clients not only have particular objectives for the years ahead or retirement goals, but they also wish to provide for their next generation or contribute philanthropically. Herr Investment Group incorporates the values and goals you have in mind as we develop your portfolio together.

If your situation calls for alternative solutions, our team has a breadth of experience addressing wealth complexities requiring sophisticated strategies.